Other currencies not shown

Other currencies not shown

28 February 2024 1pm GMT

This guide is for the following products:
Currency Extension for Squarespace 7.0
Currencies for Squarespace 7.1

Our Currency Extension for Squarespace 7.0 and Currencies for Squarespace 7.1 products receive currency rates from a third party service known as FloatRatesThere were some recent reliability issues with the FloatRates service (during January and February 2024) that may have prevented the local currency rates from being displayed correctly. If you are affected by this, please contact FloatRates support directly.

Please note that issues with the FloatRates service are beyond our control. We are not responsible for, or affiliated with, the FloatRates service and cannot help to resolve issues caused by a failure of their service. That said, we are monitoring the reliability of the FloatRates service.

Please note that the original prices (shown in your checkout currency) are not affected by this issue. Unless you have manually hidden the original checkout prices (which we do not recommend) these will continue to be shown correctly on your website. 
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