How to format different dollar currencies

How to format different dollar currencies

Your Squarespace settings determine the format of currencies on your Squarespace website, even when Currencies is installed. The settings can be found in Settings > Website > Site Languages.
When we install the Currencies extension, we do not change the Squarespace language settings, but you may want to change these yourself, to make your site more friendly for an international audience. This guide explains how to change the settings.

What are the default Squarespace settings?

Squarespace have decided that a site will want to show their native currency without any country prefixes. For example, a Canadian site will shown Canadian dollars as "$" and a US-based site will show US dollars as "$". If you would prefer to use country prefixes like (US$, CA$ or A$) you can enable these by selecting a different language setting in the Site Languages panel.

Prefixes for all dollar pricing

If you change the setting to English (United Kingdom), all dollar pricing will be shown with prefixes before the dollar symbol, including:

English (United States)

The default setting for US based sites is English (United States). This means that Canadian prices will be shown with a "CA$" prefix but US dollar pricing is shown with just the "$" symbol. This is obviously correct for a local audience (as you would expect to see them in local stores in the USA) but this is not idea for an international audience. For example, Canadian customers may not know whether "$' is referring to Canadian or American currency.

English (Canadian)

If you change the Squarespace setting to English (Canadian), the situation will be reversed, with US dollar pricing shown as "US$" and Canadian pricing shown as "$".

English (Australia)

If you are based in Australia and your site is set to English (Australia) then Australian dollars will be shown as "$" and US dollars will be shown as "US$". If you'd prefer Australian dollars to be shown with an "A$" prefix (to help foreign customers who may confuse "$" with their own local currency, you may want to change the Squarespace setting to English (United Kingdom).

Squarespace support

For further assistance with regional settings on Squarespace, please see Squarespace's guide: Language and region settings.

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